Sunday, August 12, 2012


ASPCA Position on Puppy Mills

The ASPCA is not opposed to dog breeding when it is done humanely and responsibly; responsible breeders assume lifetime accountability for the animals they have bred. Since puppy mills, by their very definition, are operations that fail to meet the ASPCA’s standards for responsible breeding, we are opposed to them.

ASPCA Position & Criteria for Responsible Breeding

Because there are homeless pets awaiting adoption in every community in the nation, the ASPCA strongly advocates that persons wishing to acquire a dog consider adopting one from a shelter or other source of homeless animals. Those who are committed to acquiring a specific breed of dog should contact their local chapter of the breed’s rescue group or locate a responsible breeder.

Responsible breeders are individuals who have focused their efforts on one or a select few breeds. Through breeding, historical research and ongoing study, mentoring relationships, club memberships, showing, raising and training these breeds, they have become experts in the breed’s health, heritable conditions, temperament and behavior. Responsible breeders are well-suited to educate and screen potential buyers/adopters and provide follow-up support after purchase or adoption.

The ASPCA advocates the following best practices for responsible breeders:

  • Never sells puppies to a dealer or pet shop.
  • Operates in an open, undisguised manner, allowing and even encouraging potential buyers/adopters to visit and tour their homes/properties.
  • Screens breeding stock for heritable diseases and removes affected animals from breeding program. Affected animals should be altered and placed as pets, provided that the health issues are disclosed to buyers/adopters.
  • Removes aggressive animals from breeding program.
  • Keeps breeding stock healthy and well-socialized.
  • Never keeps more dogs than they can provide with the highest level of care, including quality food, clean water, proper shelter from heat or cold, exercise, socialization and professional veterinary care.
  • Has working knowledge of genetics and generally avoids inbreeding.
  • Bases breeding frequency on mother’s health, age, condition and recuperative abilities.
  • Does not breed extremely young or old animals.
  • Breeds and rears dogs in the home, where they are considered part of the family.
  • Ensures newborns are kept clean, warm, fed, vetted and with the mother until weaned.
  • Begins socialization of puppies at three weeks of age.
  • Screens potential guardians and openly discusses both positive and negative aspects of the breed as well as the individual dog.
  • Ensures puppies are weaned (at 8 to 10 weeks of age) before placement.
  • Offers guidance and support to new guardians.
  • Provides an adoption/purchase contract in plain language that spells out the breeder’s responsibilities, adopter’s responsibilities, health guarantees and return policy.
  • Provides accurate and reliable health, vaccination and pedigree information.
  • Makes sure pet-quality dogs are sold on a limited registration (dogs only), spay/neuter contract, or are altered before placement.
  • Will take back any dog of their breeding at any time and for any reason.

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