Saturday, November 2, 2013

Black Dog Syndrome Begins At The Puppy Mill

Black Dog Syndrome Begins at the Puppy Mill
There's an unfortunate phenomena in the dog rescue/shelter world called Black Dog Syndrome. According to many shelter studies, black dogs are challenging to get adopted and are more likely to be euthanized in a kill shelter facility.
National Mill Dog Rescue has recently become aware of a new twist to this syndrome - the unfortunate reality for many black puppies born in puppy mills.  Apparently, it's becoming more and more common for the pet stores to refuse black puppies because they are more difficult to sell to the public. Since the pet stores won't order them, the puppy brokers refuse to purchase black puppies from the puppy mills. 
With this in mind, it is becoming more and more common for breeders to automatically kill any black puppies born at their facility.  According to current standards, breeders can dispose of their unwanted 'livestock'.
Here at National Mill Dog Rescue it doesn't matter if a dog is young or old, healthy or sick, injured or disabled, black or white. Every dog we are able to rescue deserves a chance at a life outside of the cage.
Your support enables us to make these decisions for every dog regardless of their health, breed, age, or COLOR.  We can only rescue as many dogs as our funding allows. Please donate! 
P.S.  I know of a Breeder that puts his Unwanted puppies in a FREEZER and kills them that way........righteous people alive and well everywhere!        

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