View the world through the eyes of Hudson. His objective of this blog is to educate the public by trying to teach them not to buy a dog through a puppy mill. Don't buy a dog before you see where his parents live and how they are treated. Better yet ADOPT through a rescue or shelter and know you've done a good deed by saving a dog's life !!!
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Firemen Saves Dog From Sandy !!!
Dog rescued from hurricane Sandy! Firemen are not only saving the people! Firefighters are such compassionate, kind people. Here's to all the firefighters who risk their lives for others everyday !!!
Sunday, October 28, 2012
A Room With A View
A Room With A View~ ‘Puppy,’ a living floral sculpture located at the Guggenheim museum in Bilbao, Spain. 70, 000 fresh flowers are supported by 25 tons of soil and watered with an internal irrigation system. Created by American artist, Jeff Koons
More info here: — with Gabriela Aceska.
More info here: — with Gabriela Aceska.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Friday, October 19, 2012
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Dog Hailed For Rescuing Women

A Labrador Retriever named Penny was hailed as a hero after she rescued an unconscious woman from a fast flowing river. Brenda Owen was taking a lunch time walk with her Penny by the Elwy River in St. Asaph, Wales, when she spotted an abandoned wheelchair by the river bank. Looking around, she could not figure what had happened to its owner.
A custody officer with North Wales Police, Brenda asked another man walking his dog if he knew what had happened, but he didn't. When they both turned their heads to the river, they spotted a woman floating in the water.
Brenda shouted at the woman, "Are you all right love?" but got no response. She right away commanded Penny, "Fetch! fetch!" and instinctively Penny knew to go after the woman. She jumped into the river and swam towards her.
Brenda described, "The current was quite fast. It was obvious that the woman was unconscious and myself and the man went to help Penny who had dragged the woman back to the riverbank." They began to resuscitate the woman, but she remained unconscious for around 5 minutes before she began to breath. Brenda said it was "a life or death situation." Once the woman was breathing again, they placed her in a recovery position an called for emergency help.
The woman had gone missing from a nearby home and was taken for treatment at a nearby hospital. Brenda, who is grandmother to nine children, believes the woman could have easily drowned in the fast-flowing river if not for Penny. Although she pointed out that if Penny had not gone into the water, she would have tried and rescued the woman.
She is proud of her dog, who was 10 years old and stiil very fit at the time of the rescue, in 2008. Said Brenda, "Penny is a very obedient dog and we've had her since she was a pup. She's a local dog but this is the first time that she's saved anybody's life."
Great Uplifting Story ........
Uplifting story for your day: a family member of a volunteer hit a hole-in-one at a golf tournament and won a brand new Audi A5. The family chose to sell the car, and let each of their kids choose a charity where they would donate the money. One child chose to help the homeless, so they donated their share to St. Patrick's Center. Another chose to donate to Mercy Hospital's Cancer Center, and the third child donated their money to the Humane Society of Missouri and we can now afford the new dryer we've needed so badly to keep the sheets and towels clean for our animals. Thank you to this amazing family for setting a great example!
Monday, October 8, 2012
HSUS News........
HSUS Missouri Update
October 2, 2012
Here’s what The Humane Society of the United States is up to in Missouri this month. If you prefer not to receive these updates. please just reply to this message with “UNSUBSCRIBE” in the subject line. Thank you!
Are you on Facebook? Join the HSUS Missouri Facebook group here!
In this update:
1. The HSUS hires a new state director for Missouri.
2. HSUS Pets for Life Program and PetSmart Charities award grant to Stray Rescue of St. Louis, MO.
3. New division at HSUS for Rescue organizations.
4. Join us for Food Day!
The HSUS hires a new state director in Missouri.
As The HSUS's Missouri State director, Amanda Good brings more than 10 years of legislative, political, and philanthropic campaign experience and passion for animals to her role.
A lifelong resident of Missouri, Amanda’s career in campaigns began when she worked as deputy finance director for former Lieutenant Governor Joe Maxwell in 2000. From there, she went on to work on campaigns with several statewide and federal candidates, including Congressman Russ Carnahan and Senator Claire McCaskill. Deciding to follow her passion for animals, Amanda joined The HSUS in 2012.
Amanda has a B.S. in political science and her M.B.A. She is currently working on her degree in veterinary technology to become a certified veterinary technician. She has two rescue dogs, Murphy and Molly.
To contact Amanda:
The Humane Society of the United States and PetSmart Charities ® award Stray Rescue of St. Louis a Pets For Life Mentorship Grant
The Humane Society of the United States and PetSmart Charities® announced that local animal care organization Stray Rescue of St. Louis is one of ten organizations nation-wide to be selected to receive the groups’ Pets for Life Mentorship program grant, totaling $452,500 for the groups to provide direct, hands-on community outreach training tailored to help pets and pet owners in under-served neighborhoods.
“Just as there are food deserts in under-served communities, there are animal care deserts where pet owners don’t have access to veterinary care, pet supplies, and other services,” said Amanda Arrington, director for The HSUS’ Pets for Life program. “The Humane Society of the United States is pleased to partner with these local organizations and with PetSmart Charities to fill these gaps, and bring critical pet care services to under-served people and pets.”
“We’re proud to work with The Humane Society of the United States and these ten very deserving animal welfare organizations to help make a difference in their communities,” said Susana Della Maddalena, executive director, PetSmart Charities, Inc. “The Pets for Life Mentorship program is a perfect example of our dedication to end pet homelessness by building awareness, engaging communities, and creating and funding lifesaving programs for pets.”
The trainings will be based on The Humane Society of the United States’ Pets for Life outreach program and Community Outreach Toolkit, an interactive resource designed to guide animal care service providers and other social welfare advocates to develop and implement strategies to effectively deliver critical information and resources to under-served neighborhoods. The toolkit, which was funded by PetSmart Charities, focuses on outreach to areas where affordable and accessible general pet wellness care, including vaccinations, spay/neuter, dog training, as well as many other services, has not been made readily available.
The toolkit is free and available for any organization to use. It can be downloaded by visiting
HSUS announces new division for Rescue organizations
Do you operate a Rescue organization? Volunteer for one? Know someone who does?
Then guide them to the new “Rescue Central” page of HSUS’ Animal Sheltering site. Here you’ll find a compilation of useful tools and resources to help your rescue reach it’s full potential. There are tips for tax laws, relationship building, fundraising, and much, much more.
You can visit the site at
Join us for Food Day!
October 24, 2012 is Food Day! Food Day is a nationwide celebration and a movement for healthy, affordable, and sustainable food. HSUS will have a booth at Gardens to Tables Food Day at St. Louis Univiersity. Be sure to stop by the HSUS booth between 11 am- 1pm to check out the launch of “A Pig’s Tail,” a 4-minute animated feature to educate children ages 7-10 about factory farming. We’ll also be there to discuss humane agricultural practices and the work HSUS is doing to end animal suffering in factory farms.
The event will be held at 3250 Rutger St., St. Louis, MO, 63104. Tickets are $5.00.
See you there!
Do you have a story, news, or upcoming event to share? Perhaps a volunteer of the week, or upcoming fundraiser? Sent it to and we’ll try to get it in the next news letter!
Amanda Good
State Director, Missouri
Supermodel Maggie Rizer: "United Airlines Killed Our Golden Retriever, Be a"
Supermodel Maggie Rizer: "United Airlines Killed Our Golden Retriever, Bea"
Michael Leaverton | Sep 26th 2012 |
Forty-six dogs died traveling on commercial airlines in 2011, according to the Department of Transportation, as reported by the Huffington Post. In 2010, it was 39. If those numbers seem high, they should. We didn't realize the numbers were so high until supermodel Maggie Rizer's Golden Retriever died earlier this month on a United Airlines flight, and the story hit the Internet like a thunderbolt.
By all accounts, Rizer -- a Vogue covergirl and a model for Calvin Klein, Versace, Tommy Hilfiger, Clinique, and Louis Vuitton -- loved her 2-year-old Golden Retriever named Bea. The dog was the titular hero of Rizer's blog, Bea Makes Three, which chronicled the life of the model, her family, and her three dogs.
Rizer's most recent and final post is titled, simply, "United Airlines Killed Our Golden Retriever, Bea."
In it, Rizer details the circumstances of Bea's death, which occurred on a United flight from the East Coast to San Francisco, along with United's actions after the dog was discovered dead.
According to Rizer, Bea and the other dogs were well prepared for the flight. To her credit, Rizer seems like the very definition of a responsible owner. She writes:
"Beatrice had a perfect health record. She received a full examination and a health certificate four days before the flight, as is required by the Pet Safe program. This program is United’s branded on-board pet safety program. In addition to Pet Safe’s stringent requirements, we took every extra precaution we could think of. Both the dog’s kennels were labeled front to back with emergency numbers, flight information, and warnings. Their kennels were purchased specifically for the measurements and design specified by Pet Safe. We purchased special water bowls, which we filled with ice to ensure that the water wouldn’t spill and that it would last longer. We drove the six hours to New York City from our house in Northern New York state, so the dogs wouldn’t have to make a connecting flight. We paid United Airlines $1800.00, in addition to our plane tickets, to ensure the safety of our pets. Albert and Bea were very prepared travelers."
Yet, when Rizer arrived in San Francisco and made her way to the cargo terminal, a worker told her that one of her dogs had died. What's more, he told her the dog had been sent to a local vet for an autopsy -- an outrageous lie, it turns out, by a company looking to save its skin:
"Over the next two hours the supervisor’s lie unraveled as it became clear that Bea was right behind a closed door the whole time, and he had been discussing how to handle the potential liability with his boss who had left and sticking to the divert-and-stall tactic that they had been taught."
Having recovered Bea, Rizer took the dog to her own vet for an autopsy. William Spangler performed the necropsy (a dog's autopsy), and determined that the dog had died from heatstroke. "Our little Beatrice died in pain, scared and alone," writes Rizer.
Dr. Spangler also told her that “in my experience it is not unusual for a single dog in airline transit to be affected while other dogs of the same breed survive the trip apparently unscathed.”
United officials apparenly believe that this fact -- Bea was the only dog who died -- cleared the airline. Rizer writes that United informed her that “our internal investigation does not show any irregularities, as evidenced by the fact that your companion dog and other animals on board did not suffer the same fate."
Rizer claims she does not want to sue United or have people boycott the airline. She just wants people to know the dangers of flying with their pets.
"I am writing this to help make people aware that airlines are incapable of ensuring the safety of our pets," she writes. "All it takes is for one employee to not follow the proper procedure and then like me, your dog is dead."
"I can’t say exactly what happened to Beatrice on the plane two weeks ago. If United had been able to be honest, it would have helped us to find closure. All I know is what the necropsy told us, Beatrice died from heatstroke."
"It is said to be an agonizing death."
Friday, October 5, 2012
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Thursday, October 4, 2012
Missing Boy Found Asleep With Dogs
Riley Martin, a four-year-old boy with Down syndrome, went missing with his three family dogs Wednesday. The search for Riley and his dogs, Missy a ten-month old kelpie and two fox terriers Nitro and Bruno, went on for 19 hours. The four went missing from their home in Australia. It is believed Riley opened a gate in the family’s yard, and when the dogs ran out Riley followed them.
Leif O’Brien and Sally Pratley heard of the missing boy and his dogs on Facebook and decided to help in the search. “We have children of our own, that’s why we came up,” said Pratley. The couple spent the night searching the nearby Shelly Beach. At 1am they went into their van to sleep and resumed searching again at dawn on Thursday. It was when they resumed the search that they got a lead, “We heard a dog bark and ran towards it and found him face down curled up underneath a bush,” Pratley said. He had been found about 1km from his home.
Riley had spent the night cuddled with one of his dogs. He was freezing cold and a little scratched up but otherwise doing well. Superintendent Shane Cribb said, “He took three dogs with him and they kept him company throughout the night, which was probably something that kept him with a bit of warmth. That might have been enough to get him through the night but I suppose we’ll never know.”
Riley’s mother Bianca Graham was very thankful to the couple for finding her son. “Thank you so much, you saved my life and his too, you saved our lives,” Graham said.
The dogs returned home one by one after staying with Riley all night. “They were very thirsty and covered in ticks,” said family cousin Paula Howle.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Irondale City Council takes stance in support of Alabama/Spay Neuter Clinic
Published: Wednesday, October 03, 2012, 3:27 PM Updated: Wednesday, October 03, 2012, 3:28 PM

EnlargeTamika Moore | tmoore@al.comThe State Veterinary Board is considering new regulations that could cause nonprofit clinics like the Alabama Spay/Neuter Clinic and others like it in the state that spay and neuter to shut down. The board is considering whether to change the rules which state that all the equipment in clinics must be owned by a vet. (Tamika Moore/The Birmingham News)Alabama Spay/Neuter Clinic could could face new regulations by State Vet. Board Sept. 27,2012 gallery(14 photos)
At issue are new rules under consideration by the Alabama State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners. Advocates of the state's four nonprofit spay-neuter clinics say the rules would force them to shut down and reduce access to low-cost services for pet owners.
Alabama Spay/Neuter executive director Mark Nelson spoke to the Irondale City Council Monday night, distributed a four-page handout with information about the new rules and encouraged residents to write the State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners, which will hold a public hearing on the new rules on Oct. 10 in Montgomery.
Nelson said the new rules were an effort to restrict competition.
"My opinion is they have a clear agenda to close the nonprofits," Nelson said.
Nelson said closing the clinics could lead to overpopulation of dogs and cats, which ultimately leads to more need for euthanasia, he said.
One new rule would prohibit veterinarians from using equipment or material not owned by another veterinarian. Alabama Spay/Neuter owns equipment and contracts with a veterinarian to perform surgeries in the clinic.
"In a nutshell, no non-veterinarian can provide equipment or medications for use by a veterinarian," Nelson wrote in the handout he distributed at the council meeting. "No non-veterinarian can rent or provide a facility for a veterinarian."
About 25 people were in the audience at the council meeting, and most raised their hands when asked if they wanted a copy of the handout.
Alabama Spay/Neuter opened in June 2008 and has performed more than 46,000 surgeries, Nelson said. The other nonprofit clinics are in Huntsville, Montgomery and Dothan. Nelson said almost 100,000 spay/neuter surgeries have been done at the four clinics since the first clinic opened in 2007.
"Many of the animals brought to these clinics belong to people who otherwise could not afford to fix their animals," Nelson wrote in the handout. He also said payments for many of the surgeries were supplemented by donations or grants to make them affordable.
The Irondale City Council passed a resolution in support of the clinic.
"I think they deserve our support," Mayor Tommy Joe Alexander said.
The Oct. 10 hearing will be held at 9 a.m. at 8 Commerce Street in Montgomery.
Tammy Wallace, executive director of the state board, issued a news release in reponse to a request for an interview about the proposed rule changes. The news release makes no mention of the nonprofits. The news release said the purpose of the Oct. 10 hearing is to take comments regarding the proposed rules.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
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