CAPS Files Law Suit Against Barkworks. Pet Store Closes Under Pressure From Anti-Puppy Mill Group
Following a protracted anti-puppy mill campaign by The Companion Animal Protection Society, the Barkworks pet store, situated in Los Angeles’ Westside Pavilion, will be closing. Despite the closing of the flagship store, CAPS filed a law suit against the California pet store chain for selling sick and dying dogs and for defrauding consumers.
CAPS conducted undercover investigations of Barkworks’ suppliers and found dogs suffering in substandard breeding operations called puppy mills. The commercial breeders selling puppies to Barkworks were found to be violating state animal protection laws as well as the federal Animal Welfare Act. Barkworks breeding dogs were found living in cages exposed to harsh weather conditions, were sick, injured, covered in excrement and acutely distressed. In addition, Barkworks’ breeders had multiple and repeat violations on their USDA inspection reports. The Barkworks chain of stores was also found to be defrauding consumers, telling them that the puppies were raised by “home breeders” or “small private breeders in the home.”
CAPS also obtained and analyzed several years of veterinary records that gleaned evidence that the puppies being sold at Barkworks were often sick and in some cases, died from congenital and infectious diseases.
Making animal rights history, CAPS conducted dozens of protests, some with over 150 activists, inside the malls where Barkworks’ stores are located, upholding a California Supreme Court decision stipulating it unconstitutional to bar the boycotting of a store on private property.
CAPS’ undercover investigations of Barkworks’ suppliers were included in its report to the Los Angeles City Council, leading the L.A. to be the 28th city in the U.S. to pass a ban on the sale of factory-bred dogs and cats in pet stores.
“Pop the champagne corks! The cries of dogs in puppy mills and in our shelters have been heard by the community. L.A. consumers want a cruelty-free pet and Barkworks ignored them. We are that much closer to a time when puppy mills fade into history and when every homeless shelter pet is adopted by a loving family.” ~Carole Raphaelle Davis, West coast Director, Companion Animal Protection Society
Media inquiries: Carole Raphaelle Davis 310-990-5758
View the world through the eyes of Hudson. His objective of this blog is to educate the public by trying to teach them not to buy a dog through a puppy mill. Don't buy a dog before you see where his parents live and how they are treated. Better yet ADOPT through a rescue or shelter and know you've done a good deed by saving a dog's life !!!
Monday, December 31, 2012
Friday, December 28, 2012
Malamute breeder sentensed......
Mike Chilinski was sentenced last week to serve 30 years in the Montana Department of Corrections after a jury found him guilty of 91 counts of animal cruelty in the lives of 176 malamutes seized in October 2011 by theLewis and Clark Humane Society in Helena and the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS).
According to, the judge suspended 25 years of the prison term, but also banned Chilinski, 52 of Helena from owning or caring for any dogs for the next 30 years, and to surrender all of the dogs to Jefferson County.
When the dogs were seized, most were undernourished, sick, and injured. The HSUS donated $377,000 towards the care and rehabilitation of the dogs and were instrumental in the legal proceedings against Chilinski.
The extended prison sentence is the longest jail term anyone convicted of animal cruelty has ever received in Montana, and Gina Wiest, executive director of the Lewis and Clark Humane Society hopes this delivers a strong message to substandard breeders.
The Independent Record says all of the dogs will now be available for adoption. For over a year 40 males, 61 females, and 75 puppies have been under the care of the Lewis and Clark Humane Society with their own special task force of caregivers who have helped the dogs gain weight and become socialized. The dogs will be spayed and neutered, and with the help of the American Malamute Assistance League, many of the dogs will be transported to other states including Virginia, Washington, and California to be adopted. Approximately 40 of the dogs will remain with Lewis and Clark Humane Society for adoption.
It is estimated that the costs for the care of the dogs has exceeded $500,000. A restitution hearing is scheduled for Jan. 2, 2013.
Follow the incredible work of the Lewis and Clark Humane Society on Facebook by clicking here.
Congratulations malamutes. Your silent voices were heard loud and clear.
Please call 406-442-1660 for more information about adopting any of these dogs.
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Thursday, December 27, 2012
Man Gives $1.5 million dollars to NO KILL Shelter....
Ravi Baichwal
More: Bio, Facebook, News Team
More: Bio, Facebook, News Team
December 26, 2012 (LEMONT, Ill.) (WLS) -- Not many people knew Sylvester Czopek during his life. But now many animal lovers will come to know his name after his death.
Czopek bequeathed over $1.5 million to local animal shelters, but only the kind that follow a no-kill policy.
The 84-year-old died in a Joliet hospice in October 2011, but not before setting up a trust that would direct his estate's assets solely to animal shelters that strive to nurse and adopt out their clients.
Czopek was the last of five brothers from Lemont, all of whom never married. Czopek's lawyer says he did not know how much money came to him -- mainly through family real estate -- but was delighted when he realized he could make a difference to the beings that meant the most to him.
The $1.5 million will be split between five no-kill shelters:
- Will County Humane Society in Shorewood
- West Suburban Humane Society in Downers Grove
- Naperville Area Humane Society
- Animal Welfare League in Chicago Ridge
- PAWS Chicago Adoption Center
PAWS Chicago has grown into the country's largest no-kill shelter. In 15 years the number of animals brought in has dropped by more than a third, and the number killed is down 60 percent.
The Ten Commandments From A Dog's Point Of VIew
The 10 Commandments From a Dogs's Point of View

- My life is likely to last 10-15 years; any separation from you will be painful for me. Remember that before you buy me.
- Give me time to understand what you want from me; don't be impatient, short-tempered, or irritable.
- Place your trust in me and I will always trust you back. Respect is earned not given as an inalienable right.
- Don't be angry with me for long and don't lock me up as punishment; I am not capable of understanding why. I only know I have been rejected. You have your work, entertainment, and friends, but I only have you.
- Talk to me sometimes. Even if I don't understand your words, I do understand your voice and your tone. You only have to look at my tail.
- Be aware that however you treat me, I'll never forget it, and if it's cruel, it may affect me forever.
- Please don't hit me. I can't hit back, but I can bite and scratch, and I really don't ever want to do that.
- Before you scold me for being uncooperative, obstinate, or lazy, ask yourself if something might be bothering me. Perhaps I'm not getting the right foods or I've been out in the sun too long, or my heart is getting old and weak. It may be I am just dog-tired.
- Take care of me when I get old. You too will grow old and may also need love, care, comfort, and attention.
- Go with me on difficult journeys. Never say, "I can't bear to watch" or "Let it happen in my absence". Everything is easier for me if you are there. Remember, regardless of what you do, I will always love you
Fatal Attraction
Okay... so every dogs dream in life is to find a family who absolutely adores them.... then their is Maggie. I know this girl has my back any day of the week because she can't let me out of her grip 24/7. She completes me if you know what I mean. She is my BFF even though she rarely takes me on walks or plays freesbie with me but she is the #1 Best Snuggler in the WORLD !!!
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Pet Industry And Animal Welfare Industry Join Forces To Try Fight Puppy Mills
GREENWICH, CONN. — Pet industry associations and animal welfare organizations have joined forces in an industry-wide effort to improve conditions for dogs and puppies kept by substandard commercial breeders and sold to consumers. The goal of the group is to create lasting change in the commercial breeding industry to ensure proper and humane care and safety of all dogs and puppies.
While additional outreach to other stakeholders is underway, participating organizations dedicated to the endeavor to date include: American Pet Products Association (APPA), The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), Pet Industry Distributors Association (PIDA), Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council (PIJAC) and retailers Petco and Petland.
“The ASPCA has witnessed first-hand the unspeakable cruelty and horrific conditions of substandard puppy mills, and we are committed to working with key industry leaders to help end the inhumane treatment of dogs in these facilities,” said ASPCA President & CEO Ed Sayres. “We are pleased that the industry has come together in a meaningful way to acknowledge this abuse, and confront it head on.”
The participating organizations have agreed to a definition of a puppy mill, which is often a very controversial and misunderstood term. The group has defined a puppy mill as a dog-breeding operation, which offers dogs for monetary compensation or remuneration, in which the physical, psychological and/or behavioral needs of the dogs are not being fulfilled due to inadequate housing, shelter, staffing, nutrition, socialization, sanitation, exercise, veterinary care, and/or inappropriate breeding. For more details on this definition, visit
Organization representatives recognize that this has been a challenging issue and understand the importance of working together for meaningful change for the benefit of animals. The project is intended to improve conditions for dogs used for commercial breeding, while at the same time ensuring that consumers who choose to purchase a puppy have a reliable and more humane source for obtaining them.
“As animal welfare and pet industry leaders, we have no greater responsibility than to ensure that dogs in our country are treated humanely,” said Wayne Pacelle, President and CEO of The Humane Society of the United States. “This unprecedented collaborative effort is an attempt by stakeholders involved either commercially, recreationally, or philanthropically with pets to deal with the worst actors in the dog-breeding trade and define types of conduct as out-of-bounds for our society.”
Leading pet industry associations and retailers also applaud the effort.
“This effort demonstrates tremendous collaboration among organizations, associations, companies and individuals all working together to protect and further enhance the lives of pets and we are proud to be an instrumental part of it,” said Bob Vetere, President and CEO, American Pet Products Association.
"PIJAC has long been committed to ensuring that prospective pet owners have the ability to acquire dogs and puppies from responsible breeders. It is our hope that this collective effort of our organizations will make certain that all animals are raised in a humane manner," said Mike Canning, President and CEO of PIJAC.
“While we have never sold dogs and promote a Think Adoption First philosophy at Petco, we do believe that all dogs bred for commercial sale should be treated humanely and cared for responsibly, that is why we are participating in this coalition effort,” said Charlie Piscitello, Senior Vice President of Petco, and President of the Petco Foundation.
The groups involved are excited about the potential of this endeavor to institute meaningful change for animals and look forward to inviting the participation of other stakeholders as the effort moves forward.
About APPA:
The American Pet Products Association (APPA) is the leading not-for-profit trade association serving the interests of the pet products industry since 1958. APPA membership includes more than 1,000 pet product manufacturers, their representatives, importers and livestock suppliers representing both large corporations and growing business enterprises. APPA's mission is to promote, develop and advance pet ownership and the pet product industry and to provide the services necessary to help its members prosper.
About the ASPCA:
Founded in 1866, the ASPCA is the first animal welfare organization in North America and serves as the nation’s leading voice for animals. More than two million supporters strong, the ASPCA’s mission is to provide effective means for the prevention of cruelty to animals throughout the United States. As a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation, the ASPCA is a national leader in the areas of anti-cruelty, community outreach and animal health services. For more information, please visit, and be sure to follow the ASPCA on Facebook, Twitter, andPinterest. Media Contact: Rebecca Goldrick, 646-291-4582,
About HSUS:
The Humane Society of the United States is the nation’s largest animal protection organization, rated the most effective by its peers. Since 1954, The HSUS has been fighting for the protection of all animals through advocacy, education and hands-on programs. We rescue and care for tens of thousands of animals each year, but our primary mission is to prevent cruelty before it occurs. We're there for all animals, across America and around the world. Celebrating animals and confronting cruelty -- on the Web at
About PIDA:
The Pet Industry Distributors Association, was organized in 1968 for the purpose of promoting progress within the pet industry and to conduct programs and activities on behalf of the wholesaler-distributor. Our mission is to enhance the well-being of the wholesaler-distributor, to promote partnerships with their suppliers and customers, and to work cooperatively with other organizations in fostering the human/companion animal bond.
About PIJAC:
For 40 years, PIJAC has been protecting pets and the pet industry. Companion animals are the backbone of our industry, and keeping pets available is PIJAC’s top priority. PIJAC promotes responsible pet ownership and animal welfare, fosters environmental stewardship, and ensures the availability of pets. It is a nonprofit, service-oriented organization comprised of Members who care about pets and the pet industry.
Monday, December 17, 2012
A Dog's Last Will and Testament.....
A Dog's Last Will and Testament
To a poor and lonely stray I'd give:
- My happy home.
- My bowl and cozy bed, soft pillows and all my toys.
- The lap, which I loved so much.
- The hand that stroked my fur & the sweet voice which spoke my name.
I'd Will to the sad, scared shelter dog, the place I had in my human's loving heart, of which there seemed no bounds.
So, when I die, please do not say, "I will never have a pet again, for the loss and pain is more than I can stand."
Instead, go find an unloved dog, one whose life has held no joy or hope and give MY place to HIM.
This is the only thing I can give....
The Love I left behind.
Author Unknown
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Best Friends ANimal Society Try TO Lend THeir Support
Subject: Stop the pet roundup occurring in Sikeston, Missouri
Trouble with links or images? Click here to view an online version of this email.
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Friday, December 7, 2012
Photo's With Santa
This weekend Dent County Animal Welfare Society is doing pix with Santa at the Brentwood Petsmart. Please bring your fur kids for a fun time & a great cause! See attached flyer & come out & support this wonderful rescue.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
The Puppy Mill Project Rocks ......
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Saturday, December 1, 2012
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