Thursday, September 4, 2008

Fostering for Pet Adoption

As if my family wasn't busy enough they decide to start fostering animals for the Pet Adoption Center on Mid Rivers Drive. Was I not entertainment enough for them. I'm just not getting it. Anyway what they do is help raise the animals until they are old enough to adopt them out to families.Some of these animals were found without their mothers etc... Some of the kittens didn't even have their eyes open yet and "Mom" had to wake up every three hours around the clock to feed the babies. The Pet Adoption Center has a wonderful program and program director "Katie" who helps you through everything. I have to admit I had a blast with each one of the animals we fostered.Our families goal was to make them the most lovable pets they could. They always brought them around lots of their friends and family and other animals. Every one of them would drive me insane wanting to play 24/7 and acting like I was their mother biting and sucking all over me. I put up with it and generously shared all my toys and bed with every single one of them. It was hard to let them go and we checked on them every other day until they were adopted out. "Mom" says our babies were the friendliest and going to make the best pets for their new families. We took pride in the fact that we never lost a baby we fostered and they were all adopted out of the Pet Adoption Center within a week of us returning them. It was a great way for our family to see what type of animals they loved. I highly encourage anyone to foster for their local animal shelter as it is so fun to do. IF you don't want a permanent pet it is a great way to enjoy an animal for a short time. It's a great way to also teach your children about compassion. Here's to volunteering and fostering at your local shelter.

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