Monday, June 1, 2009

Dogs Deserve Better

There is no longer a DDB rep for the St. Louis area. I was wondering if you could crosspost this so we can drum up some interest? ~Sandy
Dogs Deserve Better Reps
Do you long to make a difference for the chained dogs? Take on the volunteer Area Rep role! You will be leading this crusade in your area, and are encouraged to find other volunteers to work with you. Dogs Deserve Better will provide brochures, flyers and letters with your name and contact information. If interested in becoming an area rep, please contact the DDB National Area Rep Coordinator: Marie Belanger at
Area Rep Responsibilities:
As an area rep, you will be an incredibly important resource for your community. You will be responsible for getting back to concerned citizens who e-mail or call about chained dogs in your area. While you are not required to foster (it is encouraged, even one dog at a time), we do expect you to be a resource for people who would like to give up chained or penned dogs in your community. This could involve going out to meet and evaluate the dog, take photos, and then searching via e-mail and phone for foster homes or breed rescues to help. When a dog is released to you, you are responsible for having the caretakers sign an action form, for our protection as well as an agreement that they will not chain or pen again.
It is also your duty to post fliers and posters for DDB, attend tabling events in your territory and to let local humane authorities, shelters, and vets know that you are a Dogs Deserve Better rep in their area.
Once a month, you will need to provide the area rep coordinator with a brief update of what you have been up to in your area and to discuss your concerns, efforts, and achievements. This will help us recognize what methods of education work best.
You are also encouraged to recruit volunteers so you can pursue additional activities such as fundraisers and presentations.
The title of area rep is a serious commitment— we at DDB realize that you probably have other daily obligations, but it is essential that you take the responsibilities of the job to heart and keep us informed if you feel you no longer are in a position to handle them.
Above all, you will be expected to remember the important role you are playing in the lives of animals nationwide, as well as in the lives of people who will be better educated thanks to your time and service.
Junior Area Rep Responsibilities:
As a junior area rep (If you are under the age of 18, you will be considered a junior rep), you will be an incredibly important resource for your community. You will be responsible for contacting local area reps regarding information from concerned citizens who e-mail about chained dogs in your area.
It is also your duty to post fliers and posters for DDB in your territory and to let local humane authorities, shelters, and vets know about the job you have taken upon yourself.
Have your state, first name, and email address listed on the site. Once a month, you will need to provide the national area rep coordinator with a brief update of what you have been up to and to discuss your concerns, efforts, and achievements. This will help us recognize what methods of education work best.

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