Thank you for helping us help the dogs who have no where else to go!
We're Almost There! THANK YOU EVERYONE!
Monday was a holiday, so Tuesday was the first day payroll checks could be cashed.
Your generous donations have made it possible to cover the checks that cleared today.
We are so close to our goal...
Please keep asking your friends and family to help!
We get unfairly tagged as mean or aggressive... but I'm not!
And some shelters don't even allow us to be adopted --
only rescues can take us, and that makes it even harder for a pit bull to find a home!
I was out of time. They were going to kill me.
Jay saw an email about me, and offered to be my Last Resort -- if no one else offered to help.
Well, no one did and then Jay and Ricky asked their friend Robert from Bound Angels if he could help.
Robert is my friend, too!
He bailed me out of the shelter and put me on a plane for Houston. He even raised the money for my trip!
And now I am safe! Jay and Ricky said it does not matter how long it takes to find me an adoptive home.
They promised I would be safe at the farm and no one would hurt me here!
It feels good to know I will never 'run out of time' again!"
You Know Our Core Mission ...
Providing a home for dogs who have nowhere else to go!
We are often a dog's only hope.
We are the rescue that other rescues turn to, when a dog is in danger.
We try to always say "yes".
Please... ask your friends, family, business contacts --
any NONrescue "civilians" --
to consider helping us, now, so we can keep helping the dogs who need us most!
Tax Deductible Donations*
can be made through Paypal with VISA, MC, Discover Card or check:
Just click on the link
or you can mail a check to:
Smiling Dog Farms
P.O. Box 743
Wharton, TX 77488
* Smiling Dog Farms is a 501c3 Charitable Organization, recognized by the IRS
If you have already donated-or gotten a friend to donate- THANK YOU!
We would literally not still be here, helping dogs, if not for YOU!
TELEPHONE: (979) 559-1062 (979) 559-1062
FAX: (979) 532-3993
Thank You!
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