Thursday, September 20, 2012

Fanconi Is A Serious Dog Issue Today

 My sister Jackie Russell got fanconi three years ago and we are not sure why but the doctor who wrote the medical protocol on how to treat fanconi asked us if we live by a golf course, if Jackie ever ate chicken dog treats from China or if she ever ate a dead bird. Well we were three for three on the questions and she continues to have serious issues with her falconi.
 The poor thing has to take all these lovely vitamins and biocarbs to stay alive each day. This is Jackie's pillbox in our house. Noone else has to take any meds but Jackie around here.
 If she didn't get these meds it would become fatal within days for her. Look up Fanconi and if your dog gets feed treats make sure they aren't from China and are chicken flavored or have chicken in them 

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