Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Bone Sniper

The bone sniper waits so patiently for any chance to steal any bone I am chewing on. She constantly tries to lull me into a false sense of security to seize the moment and snag my bone away. I have long ago figured out this strategic maneuver. I enjoy playing along knowing it is torturing the poor restless soul. They say the Jack Russell has superior intelligence but alas meet the Mensa breed: Boston Terrier. CHECKMATE!!! However I have to admit when it comes to food she is terrifying.I'll have to post a picture of her snaring at me baring her teeth. I lose sleep over this very image.


Katherine Roberts Aucoin said...

That is too cute. Our pup does't have another pup to share with. She likes to parade around with her bone and show it to us (look but don't touch) when we get home.

Jan said...

A bone can lie on the floor for days but as soon as one dog takes an interest, they all do. We don't have fights, just intense interest in what another dog has. Go figure.