View the world through the eyes of Hudson. His objective of this blog is to educate the public by trying to teach them not to buy a dog through a puppy mill. Don't buy a dog before you see where his parents live and how they are treated. Better yet ADOPT through a rescue or shelter and know you've done a good deed by saving a dog's life !!!
Monday, September 29, 2014
Saturday, September 27, 2014
National Mill Dog Rescue Rocks ..... National Mill Dog Rescue rescues, rehabilitates and re-homes retired commercial breeding dogs from puppy mills. NMDR gives these dogs a new beginning and a final chance to find happiness and comfort in a loving home.
MISSION STATEMENT:To rescue, rehabilitate and rehome discarded breeding dogs and to educate the general public about the cruel realities of the commercial dog breeding industry.
National Mill Dog Rescue was established in February 2007, in honor of a forgiving little Italian Greyhound named Lily. Theresa Strader, NMDR’s Founder and Executive Director, rescued Lily from a dog auction in Missouri. Prior to that day, Lily had spent the first seven years of her life as a commercial breeding dog, a puppy mill mom. Determined that her years of living in misery would not be in vain, Strader started NMDR, giving a voice to mill dogs across the country.
During her years as a breeding dog, Lily spent all of her days confined to a small, cold wire cage in a dark, foul-smelling barn. Never was she removed from her cage for exercise or socialization. In her dreary confines, Lily was forced to produce one litter after another with no respite. Like all commercial breeding dogs, she was a veritable breeding machine whose worth was measured in only one way - her ability to produce puppies.
By seven years of age, Lily was worn out. Commonplace in the industry, she had received little to no veterinary care throughout her life, the result of which, for her, was terribly disturbing. Due to years of no dental care, poor quality food, rabbit bottle watering and no appropriate chew toys, the roof of Lily’s mouth and lower jaw, had rotted away. Her chest was riddled with mammary tumors and she was absolutely terrified of people.
Strader brought Lily and twelve others home from the auction and declares that even for a highly seasoned rescuer, the following months were the education of a lifetime in rehabilitation. That she would take up the cause for the mill dogs was never in question and National Mill Dog Rescue was promptly underway. In five short years, NMDR has amassed over 1,300 volunteers and has rescued over 8,000 puppy mill survivors.
Run almost solely by volunteers, NMDR has pledged to put an end to the cruelty of the puppy mill industry. Through widespread informative efforts, NMDR hopes to educate the public to acquire their companion animals through reputable breeders or better yet, from shelters and rescue groups across the country.
After her rescue, Lily spent the remainder of her life as a beloved member of the Strader family where she received medical care, warmth and companionship. In time, Lily found courage and her disfigured little body educated countless people about the horrors of the puppy mill industry. Lily died peacefully in the arms of her loving family in May 2008, fifteen months after she was rescued.
Guy Trains Pit-Bull To Sit In His Bag To Get On Subway !!!
The New York subway system bans canines unless they can fit in a small bag, so this guy trained his pit-bull to calmly sit in his small bag.
Friday, September 26, 2014
Thursday, September 25, 2014
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Chicago's City Pound Reviewed By Nathan Winograd...
During my visit to Chicago to screen Redemption, I had the opportunity to visit the pound. This is a city with 2.8 million people and an intake of about 30,000 animals a year. That may seem like a lot, but it is a per capita intake rate roughly half the City of Austin, which saves 93% of the animals. But unlike the City of Austin (which has a law specifically banning the practice), the City of Chicago kills despite empty cages. And there were lots and lots and lots of empty cages on my visit. When you look in the intake areas, you will see dirty cages and stale food, you will see—in fact you will hear—animals needing care, fragile baby kittens who should have all of their needs met crying for attention even though it is already 1 pm in the afternoon.
Thankfully, you will see volunteers who are working, at no pay, to pick up the slack against overwhelming odds. I saw a volunteer syringe feeding a couple of the tiny kittens. I saw volunteers socializing with the dogs. I saw a volunteer trying to get cats adopted. And even though the volunteers offer to do more, to do the job that needs to be done but the staff do not do—claiming they do not have the time, resources, or manpower to do so—the union will say “No” and demand that the job continue to go undone rather than allow volunteers to do it, even though such obstruction means more animal suffering and a larger body count.
It is September and there are kittens in the shelter. And you can say, “People should sterilize their animals.” And you can say, “People are irresponsible.” And you can say, “People should make a lifetime commitment to their pets.” And I would say, they should, they can be, and it is a travesty that they do not. But they are not to blame for the indifference I witnessed at the shelter. There are shelters taking in more animals per capita that do not kill despite the empty cages, that do not allow fragile kittens to languish until 1 pm in the afternoon, and more importantly, that offer solutions—lifesaving solutions—rather than excuses.
Mayors in these cities, agency officials that oversee the shelter, shelter directors themselves, and their staff understand that while people surrender animals to shelters, it is the shelters that kill them and one does not necessarily follow or excuse the other. They understand that once those animals are in their custody, what happens to them is up to them, not the person who surrendered them at the door. But not in Chicago.
Volunteers and rescuers will tell you it is better than it used to be. There was a time in Chicago when the pound killed animals despite rescue groups willing to save them. There was a time when animals suffered much more than they do now. But the lack of those things are not proof of caring. It is the volunteers and rescue groups who are saving the lives the pound should be. And working with rescue groups and feeding the animals should be a given. That we are still fighting for those things in other communities does not mean the City of Chicago is doing a good job. It just means other shelters are worse. Being “better than the worst” is not an excuse when lives hang in the balance.
The killing ends when the good people of Chicago demand that it does:
Photo: Empty cages at Chicago animal control. Despite them, the killing continues. The people and animals of Chicago deserve better.
Monday, September 22, 2014
Spend An Evening Helping Animals and Having A Blast !!!
PO Box 440161 • St. Louis, MO 63144 • 314-851-0928 • •
Friday, September 19, 2014
HSUS Encourages All Pet Owners To Have A Disaster Kit !!!
Visit or our Disaster Preparation board on Pinterest for more resources on staying safe during times of disaster. And remember—if it's not safe for you, it's not safe for your pets.
My basic disaster kit includes:
Other useful items include:
Thursday, September 18, 2014
Ban Gas Chambers For Dogs That Are Allowed In 20 States !!!
Did you know that more than 20 states still allow the use of gas chambers in animal shelters, where carbon monoxide slowly and painfully causes the organs of animals to shut down before they lose consciousness, sometimes lasting more than 20 minutes?
We're teaming with Daniel The Beagle Dwyer to help bring an end to this cruel practice. Please add your name and share this post so you can stand with us while we fight to have this inhumane practice outlawed in ALL 50 states!
#BeHumane #BanGasChambers #Cats #Dogs
We're teaming with Daniel The Beagle Dwyer to help bring an end to this cruel practice. Please add your name and share this post so you can stand with us while we fight to have this inhumane practice outlawed in ALL 50 states!
#BeHumane #BanGasChambers #Cats #Dogs
Tips on Training Your Dog by MYPet ......
Tips on Training Your Dog
It's important your dog learns the basics of obedience. A dog that will respond to your commands is more likely to keep out of harm's way.

Having a well-behaved dog helps to keep him safe. If you allow yours to walk off-leash, or he tends to bolt from the house when the door is opened, it's imperative that he comes back when called. Keeping your dog away from a speeding car or an aggressive animal could save his life.
Dogs with good manners are also good neighbors. You don't want to allow yours to show unbridled enthusiasm to a child who's afraid of dogs, or an elderly neighbor unsteady on her feet.
When should you begin training? For a puppy less than three months old, you should start right away with very light training. Start with potty training and household ground rules, like where he sleeps, where he should stay during your mealtimes, which rooms he is allowed in, if he is permitted on the couch, and so on.
Once a dog is around three or four months old, he has a long enough attention span to start learn basic commands. While you can teach an old dog new tricks, "It's always easier to teach a new command than break an old habit," says Robin Ray, a dog trainer in Wellington, Florida. Training sends a message that you're the leader of the pack. It's also a wonderful way to bond.
Before you start, acquire the tools you'll need. Your veterinarian can be a good resource to recommend a proper training collar and leash that takes your dog's size and weight into consideration. You'll also need a supply of small treats that you can stash in your pocket. Rare is the dog that isn't motivated by something good to eat.
According to Ray, the basic commands that every dog should learn (in this order) are: heel, sit, stay, and come.
- Heel – With the dog at knee level on your left side and the leash in your hand, start walking with your left foot first as you give the "Heel" command, using the dog's name. Dispense treats and positive reinforcement when he walks correctly. If he doesn't get the hang of it right away, give the leash a gentle tug to bring him back into place and start again.
- Sit – Simply hold a treat toward the back of his head as you say, "Sit" with the dog's name. "Most dogs automatically sit," says Ray. "If your dog doesn't, lightly touch his butt as you issue the command. Then treat and praise."
- Stay – Start with your dog in the sit position. Standing in front of him, show an open-palm hand command as you say, "Stay," and his name. Keep eye contact and leave him in the stay position for 30 seconds, then release him with the word, "Okay!" While you practice, have him stay for longer periods as you stand farther and farther away.
- Come – Hook up a non-retractable leash at least six feet long to your dog in the "Sit" position. Pull gently as you say, "Come," and the dog's name in an excited, happy voice. When the dog comes and sits in front of you, shower him with praise and give him a treat.
More tips from the dog trainer:
- To avoid confusing the dog, say the same short word and his name with each command every time.
- Keep training sessions brief. A dog's attention span is short.
- For the basic commands, train 3-5 times a day, with each session lasting no longer than 10 or 15 minutes.
- Remember that your dog wants to please. He'll respond to praise and shrink from punishment. Patience, practice, and heaps of love go a long way in turning an untrained pet into a loyal and responsive dog.
Monday, September 15, 2014
Davidson County, N.C. Has Horrible KILL RATE of DOGS & CATS !!!
A couple of weeks ago, I posted about the Davidson County, NC, pound which kills 92% of cats and 70% of dogs, many by gassing them to death. I also posted how this shelter has a history of sadistic cruelty and recently spilled a lot of dead animals on a public highway, where they were seen by people driving by:
This is a killing facility that the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) gave an award to, calling it a "Shelter We Love": The post has been viewed by 1,070,081 people. It has been shared 12,395 times and generated 3,895 comments. Many of those comments asked what people can do to change this in Davidson County and in shelters across the country.
Here's my advice:
1. Stop donating to the large national organizations like HSUS and the ASPCA and tell others to stop doing so also. Together, these two organizations take in $300,000,000 per year and have not created a single No Kill community because that has never been their goal. They pay themselves enormous salaries with your hard-earned money (the ASPCA CEO made $550,000 in 2010) and they fight efforts to save lives. The more we hinge our donations on an organization’s sincerity, integrity and performance rather than its superficial label, the sooner our nation’s large, animal protection groups will be forced—by sheer necessity—to start building, rather than blocking, the road to a brighter future for America’s animals:
2. Work to ban the gas chamber. Here is model legislation from my organization, the No Kill Advocacy Center: and here is a guide on how to get a law introduced and passed:
A gas chamber
3. Reform your local shelter. Here are 13 FREE step by step guides to do so:
Photos: (1) This gas chamber was used in a Georgia shelter. Thankfully, animal lovers fought back and passed "Grace's Law," which banned their use in that state. You can do it, too. (2) The bill was named after a dog who survived the gas chamber. I recently met Grace at the Atlanta screening of my film Redemption. Here she is, getting a belly rub from yours truly. (3) Ban the Gas Chamber, model legislation from the No Kill Advocacy Center.
Puppy Mill Dog ........
Lily, wearing tag #251, crouched, suffering in a small wire cage at the auction. Breeding dogs were being sold to the highest bidder. Lily looked straight into Theresa's eyes that day and asked for help. Theresa purchased Lily and promised to "shower her with love until the day she died". For the next 15 months Lily learned about being a dog. She learned about soft beds, belly rubs and rolling in the grass. But most importantly, Lily learned what love felt like. Despite surgeries and the best care possible, the 7 years of neglect at the puppy mill had taken its toll on her body. On May 13, 2008 Lily passed away.
Theresa vowed, in Lily's name, to take up the cause for the mill dogs and thus National Mill Dog Rescue was born.
To read more about Lily's story, click here:
Please join us in our efforts. Share the story of Lily and the plight of mill dogs everywhere. Thank you.
This—our very first—annual report has been a long time coming.
Getting any of us to slow down long enough to put it together has been
a challenge. I hope you find it informative and trust it will increase your
understanding of our mission, our priorities and our progress.
The journey that brings us to this point has been physically demanding, emotionally draining, and has consumed every spare second of my and many other people’s lives. And I don’t know a single one of us who would trade the experience.
Speaking for myself, I can say that I have never reaped such deep personal rewards. Right behind the dogs we rescue, I am the most blessed one of all. I feel so fortunate to have the opportunity to give them a voice.
Our rescued dogs are heroes, each and every one. They give a whole new meaning to strength, courage and ability—the strength to overcome serious illnesses and injuries, the courage to trust hands that formerly were so unkind, and the ability to enrich our lives beyond measure.
The lessons in forgiveness and resilience that they teach us will stay with us forever. They give us the energy and yearning to go back for more. What an incredibly fulfilling and special experience it is to be on this journey.
To our volunteers and supporters, you are the lifeblood of this organization. National Mill Dog Rescue would not exist without you; and thousands of dogs would continue to languish or be destroyed, never having the chance to enjoy life as a member of a loving family.
To all of you who have stepped forward to support our efforts in so many ways, my gratitude is truly immeasurable.
My most sincere thanks,
Theresa Strader
Executive Director
Theresa vowed, in Lily's name, to take up the cause for the mill dogs and thus National Mill Dog Rescue was born.
To read more about Lily's story, click here:
Please join us in our efforts. Share the story of Lily and the plight of mill dogs everywhere. Thank you.
The journey that brings us to this point has been physically demanding, emotionally draining, and has consumed every spare second of my and many other people’s lives. And I don’t know a single one of us who would trade the experience.
Speaking for myself, I can say that I have never reaped such deep personal rewards. Right behind the dogs we rescue, I am the most blessed one of all. I feel so fortunate to have the opportunity to give them a voice.
Our rescued dogs are heroes, each and every one. They give a whole new meaning to strength, courage and ability—the strength to overcome serious illnesses and injuries, the courage to trust hands that formerly were so unkind, and the ability to enrich our lives beyond measure.
The lessons in forgiveness and resilience that they teach us will stay with us forever. They give us the energy and yearning to go back for more. What an incredibly fulfilling and special experience it is to be on this journey.
To our volunteers and supporters, you are the lifeblood of this organization. National Mill Dog Rescue would not exist without you; and thousands of dogs would continue to languish or be destroyed, never having the chance to enjoy life as a member of a loving family.
To all of you who have stepped forward to support our efforts in so many ways, my gratitude is truly immeasurable.
My most sincere thanks,
Theresa Strader
Executive Director
Lily’s grave at the
Strader home
National Mill Dog Rescue 2013 Annual Report
To rescue, rehabilitate and rehome discarded breeding dogs and to educate the
general public about the cruel realities of the commercial dog-breeding industry.
We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization located in Peyton, Colo.
National Mill Dog Rescue was established in 2007 in honor of a forgiving, courageous little Italian greyhound named Lily.
For the first seven years of her life, Lily was a commercial breeding dog in a Missouri puppy mill. She lived in a small, cold wire cage in a dark, foul-smelling barn. In her dreary confines, she was forced to produce litter after litter without reprieve. A veritable breeding machine, Lily’s worth was measured in only one way—her ability to produce puppies.
By 7 years of age, Lily was worn out. Years of no veterinary care had taken a devastating toll on her body, leaving her profoundly disfigured. Minimal human contact had left her terrified of people.
After four decades of using dogs for profit, it was time for Lily’s breeder to retire. Lily, along with all 560 other dogs from her mill, would head to auction.
Responding to an email plea for help with the dogs from this auction, Theresa Strader, a lifelong rescuer, offered her assistance. At that time she didn’t even know dog auctions existed, but she was determined to help. Although she knew what the term “puppy mill” meant, she could never have imagined what she would witness and learn on that rescue journey.
On Feb. 17, 2007, Strader arrived at the auction. As instructed by the auction staff, she followed the crowd into the first building, where approximately 100 dogs were housed. Within moments of entering, much like the dogs in front of her, she was overcome with sadness and despair.
We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization located in Peyton, Colo.
National Mill Dog Rescue was established in 2007 in honor of a forgiving, courageous little Italian greyhound named Lily.
For the first seven years of her life, Lily was a commercial breeding dog in a Missouri puppy mill. She lived in a small, cold wire cage in a dark, foul-smelling barn. In her dreary confines, she was forced to produce litter after litter without reprieve. A veritable breeding machine, Lily’s worth was measured in only one way—her ability to produce puppies.
By 7 years of age, Lily was worn out. Years of no veterinary care had taken a devastating toll on her body, leaving her profoundly disfigured. Minimal human contact had left her terrified of people.
After four decades of using dogs for profit, it was time for Lily’s breeder to retire. Lily, along with all 560 other dogs from her mill, would head to auction.
Responding to an email plea for help with the dogs from this auction, Theresa Strader, a lifelong rescuer, offered her assistance. At that time she didn’t even know dog auctions existed, but she was determined to help. Although she knew what the term “puppy mill” meant, she could never have imagined what she would witness and learn on that rescue journey.
On Feb. 17, 2007, Strader arrived at the auction. As instructed by the auction staff, she followed the crowd into the first building, where approximately 100 dogs were housed. Within moments of entering, much like the dogs in front of her, she was overcome with sadness and despair.
Richard Strader and Lily
In this dismal, putrid building, Strader would lay her
eyes on Lily for the first time.
Lily was plastered in the back corner of her breeding cage, terrified of the goings on around her. She caught Strader’s eye, her auction tag No. 251 hanging from her neck. Strader could readily see the toll the years had taken on the little dog—she was riddled with mammary tumors and her lower jaw had rotted away. Quietly approaching the cage, Strader whispered this promise: “I will take you from this hell and love you ‘til you die.”
In that moment, Strader knew she would devote the rest of her life to giving these dogs a voice, and on that day National Mill Dog Rescue was born. Strader returned home with Lily and a dozen other dogs and an unswerving passion to make a lasting difference.
Lily was plastered in the back corner of her breeding cage, terrified of the goings on around her. She caught Strader’s eye, her auction tag No. 251 hanging from her neck. Strader could readily see the toll the years had taken on the little dog—she was riddled with mammary tumors and her lower jaw had rotted away. Quietly approaching the cage, Strader whispered this promise: “I will take you from this hell and love you ‘til you die.”
In that moment, Strader knew she would devote the rest of her life to giving these dogs a voice, and on that day National Mill Dog Rescue was born. Strader returned home with Lily and a dozen other dogs and an unswerving passion to make a lasting difference.
Lily never left the loving care of theStrader family. Succumbing to the years
of neglect she had suffered, Lily died
peacefully in her daddy’s arms in May
of neglect she had suffered, Lily died
peacefully in her daddy’s arms in May
2008—15 months after she was rescued.
Richard Strader and Lily
National Mill Dog Rescue 2013 Annual Report
95% volunteer-based 50,979 hours recorded 1,283 individuals registered
Education and Outreach
School and other programs: 13 Media appearances: 15
Website: Social Media: 81,073 likes 10,503 followers 3,038 followers 420,952 views
95% volunteer-based 50,979 hours recorded 1,283 individuals registered
Education and Outreach
School and other programs: 13 Media appearances: 15
Website: Social Media: 81,073 likes 10,503 followers 3,038 followers 420,952 views
27 trips @ $2,500 each 60 or more dogs per trip 28,270 miles traveled
Dog Statistics
Rescued: 1,638
Typical number at our kennel: 110 Typical number in foster care: 100 Average rehabilitation time: 4–6 weeks
Basic veterinary care: $200 per dog Extensive veterinary care: $5,000 per month Dog food: $65 per day
Kennel expenses: $6,400 per month
Average per month: 64 Off-site adoption fairs: 60
27 trips @ $2,500 each 60 or more dogs per trip 28,270 miles traveled
Dog Statistics
Rescued: 1,638
Typical number at our kennel: 110 Typical number in foster care: 100 Average rehabilitation time: 4–6 weeks
Basic veterinary care: $200 per dog Extensive veterinary care: $5,000 per month Dog food: $65 per day
Kennel expenses: $6,400 per month
Average per month: 64 Off-site adoption fairs: 60
Cupid easily settled in with his
new dad on adoption day
National Mill Dog Rescue 2013 Annual Report
Jenny Whitt and Marshmallow during arrival
National Mill Dog Rescue is the leading organization in the country devoted exclusively to
rescuing puppy-mill survivors.
Over the past seven years, we have grown from the original group of three committed individuals—Theresa Strader, Richard Strader and fellow-rescuer Helen Freeman—to a well-established, well-respected nonprofit whose day-to-day operations are handled by hundreds of volunteers. The organization employs only 11 full- and part-time staff.
From 2007 through 2013, more than 8,400 dogs were rescued from puppy mills throughout the Midwest and as far east as Virginia and Tennessee.
By providing extensive medical treatment, rehabilitation, socialization and adoption services, each and every rescued dog has been assured a future life as a treasured pet.
Our long-range goal is to have the financial resources to save every dog in need until puppy mills can be closed permanently. To that end, we work tirelessly to educate the public about the cruelty of the commercial dog-breeding industry. We stand strongly opposed to the mills, the pet stores that front for them, and in support of rescue and shelter adoptions.
We rely on donations for everything we do.
Rescue is the most important part of our mission. In 2013, we lifted 1,638 dogs out of misery, 130 more than in 2012. We brought 912 home with us for rehabilitation and adoption, and arranged for 726 to go to shelters and rescues in our small but well-established network across the country.
Occasionally, we bought dogs at auction that were unwanted by attendees for a variety of reasons, most often advanced age. Considered unmarketable, these dogs do not draw large bids (typically $10 to $20). We are mindful not to infuse any significant amount of money into the industry.
A typical rescue involves a three- to seven-day road trip of 2,000 to 5,000 miles across several states, gathering 60 to 120 dogs each time. Our rescue teams are extremely skilled at keeping the dogs safe and comfortable as they travel to promising new lives.
Our unique approach to rescue involves developing and maintaining relationships directly with mill breeders. This has allowed us to access and save thousands of dogs that otherwise would have been destroyed.
In the past three years, the number of breeders who contact us when they are retiring their dogs has nearly doubled, now approaching 200. They are located primarily in Kansas, Missouri, Iowa, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Nebraska.
Despite our desire to respond to every breeder’s request and thus save many more lives, we continue to adhere to a strict policy of not overcrowding our kennel facility or overburdening our volunteers. Doing so would jeopardize the well-being of the animals already in our care.
Once rescued, our puppy-mill survivors’ final destinations differ depending upon circumstances. We bring those needing the most help back with us.
Those that are younger or need less rehabilitation go to our network partners.
Over the past seven years, we have grown from the original group of three committed individuals—Theresa Strader, Richard Strader and fellow-rescuer Helen Freeman—to a well-established, well-respected nonprofit whose day-to-day operations are handled by hundreds of volunteers. The organization employs only 11 full- and part-time staff.
From 2007 through 2013, more than 8,400 dogs were rescued from puppy mills throughout the Midwest and as far east as Virginia and Tennessee.
By providing extensive medical treatment, rehabilitation, socialization and adoption services, each and every rescued dog has been assured a future life as a treasured pet.
Our long-range goal is to have the financial resources to save every dog in need until puppy mills can be closed permanently. To that end, we work tirelessly to educate the public about the cruelty of the commercial dog-breeding industry. We stand strongly opposed to the mills, the pet stores that front for them, and in support of rescue and shelter adoptions.
We rely on donations for everything we do.
Rescue is the most important part of our mission. In 2013, we lifted 1,638 dogs out of misery, 130 more than in 2012. We brought 912 home with us for rehabilitation and adoption, and arranged for 726 to go to shelters and rescues in our small but well-established network across the country.
Occasionally, we bought dogs at auction that were unwanted by attendees for a variety of reasons, most often advanced age. Considered unmarketable, these dogs do not draw large bids (typically $10 to $20). We are mindful not to infuse any significant amount of money into the industry.
A typical rescue involves a three- to seven-day road trip of 2,000 to 5,000 miles across several states, gathering 60 to 120 dogs each time. Our rescue teams are extremely skilled at keeping the dogs safe and comfortable as they travel to promising new lives.
Our unique approach to rescue involves developing and maintaining relationships directly with mill breeders. This has allowed us to access and save thousands of dogs that otherwise would have been destroyed.
In the past three years, the number of breeders who contact us when they are retiring their dogs has nearly doubled, now approaching 200. They are located primarily in Kansas, Missouri, Iowa, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Nebraska.
Despite our desire to respond to every breeder’s request and thus save many more lives, we continue to adhere to a strict policy of not overcrowding our kennel facility or overburdening our volunteers. Doing so would jeopardize the well-being of the animals already in our care.
Once rescued, our puppy-mill survivors’ final destinations differ depending upon circumstances. We bring those needing the most help back with us.
Those that are younger or need less rehabilitation go to our network partners.
Programs &
A A t ta a g g w wi i t t h h a a n n u u m mb b e e r r i i s s t t h h e e o o n n l l y y
“name” many mill dogs ever receive
National Mill Dog Rescue 2013 Annual Report
Distances travelled also depend upon circumstances. We often drive dogs all the way
to their destinations; other times we meet our network partners midway.
In 2013, the dogs that did not come to our Peyton kennel facility went to the following organizations: Arizona Animal Welfare League, Denver Dachshunds, Dumb Friends League, and North Shore Animal League America. These groups honor our policy of returning to us any dog that they determine needs more rehabilitation than they are able or qualified to provide.
Last year we continued to streamline the intake process at our facility, getting new arrivals out of their traveling crates and into loving arms as quickly as possible. Every dog is ID-collared, microchipped, named and photographed. Each then receives a thorough exam by our veterinary team. Dogs needing emergency treatment are prioritized and cared for accordingly. Several were taken to the Powers Pet Emergency clinic in Colorado Springs during the year. Our standard intake protocol also includes deworming, vaccinations and heartworm testing. Baths and grooming follow—an experience many of our dogs have never before encountered. In the days following rescue and intake, we provide spay/neuter surgery, extensive dental care due to severe dental disease, and a multitude of other necessary surgeries, including but not limited to: mammary tumor removal, hernia repairs, eye and ear procedures, and orthopedic surgeries. Throughout their entire stay with us, from rescue through rehabilitation and adoption, our dogs are lovingly cared for by our extraordinarily compassionate, dedicated volunteers.
A typical discarded mill dog is 6 to 10 years old, has had minimal, if any, veterinary care, and limited socialization with humans. Despite the magnitude of suffering they have endured, most of them are amazingly resilient. Once they receive the physical care they so desperately need and learn the trust of a loving touch, the great majority—approximately 80 percent—are ready to move on to lifelong homes. The average time they spend with us is only four to six weeks. About 20 percent do suffer serious physical or emotional effects from long-term neglect. These dogs may require extensive veterinary care and/or psychological rehabilitation. Nurturing them often takes many months, sometimes longer. We are deeply committed to
these dogs and are entirely successful in their
restoration to health and eventual placement.
Due to the grave lack of
socialization, most puppy-mill survivors display some degree of fear once rescued. They are in desperate need of security, consistency, time and, above all, a knowledgeable, loving hand. We do an initial evaluation of every dog during intake, separating those that fall into the 80-percent category (i.e., expected to become adoptable fairly soon) from those that need more help. Most dogs in this first category quickly learn to enjoy meal time, one-on-one play time in our large indoor and outdoor exercise areas, as well as cuddle time in the laps of many volunteers. Each dog experiences significant, positive human contact every single day. Nothing we do is more important than exhibiting to these dogs that, in their new lives, people can be trusted and will always be kind to them. Some dogs go into skilled foster homes where they learn all about life as a family pet—including housetraining, stairway navigation, leash walking and more—from both the humans in the household and the resident dogs. Once they have gained confidence and learned family-living skills, they are ready to be adopted into lifelong homes. Highly fearful dogs are enrolled in a special program where they receive intensive, long-term rehabilitation. Our experienced rehabilitation team evaluates these dogs and creates individualized plans of care that include setting reasonable goals and documenting progress. Three team members are assigned to each dog.
National Mill Dog Rescue 2013 Annual Report
Intensive rehabilitation generally begins with visits from the dogs’ assigned caregivers
three to five times a week. Caregivers may simply sit and read in the dogs’ kennels in an
effort to get them accustomed to the presence of people.
These dogs may need days or weeks before they seek an outstretched hand or permit a gentle touch. We give them whatever time they need. Their progress can be heart- wrenchingly slow, but each small step is a miracle considering what they endured in their former lives. In 2013, 99 dogs went through this long-term rehabilitation program for extreme fear. All have since graduated and have been adopted. The successful work of our rehabilitation team demonstrates that every life has value, and that with time, patience, persistence and love, we can help even those dogs that have suffered the most severe emotional damage. In 2013, we continued to rely heavily on the advice of certified behavior expert Jill Haffley, MA, IACP-CDT. Jill donated hundreds of hours of professional services helping our rehabilitation team—as well as 200 foster families and new adopters—better understand the behavior of the dogs in their care. (Read more under Post-Adoption Support.) Veterinary Care Some of the dogs we rescue have injuries, illnesses or genetic defects that require specialized veterinary treatment and/or surgery. No matter the cost, all of our dogs receive the care they need to restore them to health and put them on the road to happy lives. Conditions seen with frequency in puppy-mill survivors include pyometra, injured and infected eyes, ears scarred from untreated infections, parasite infestation, parvo, leg and foot deformities, blindness, deafness, hernias, mammary tumors, other cancers, decayed and infected teeth, and rotted gums. In addition to our outstanding in-house veterinary team led by Dr. Michele Robinson, we were grateful last year to receive exceptional care for our dogs from Dr. William Tuthill and Dr. Megan Pansiera of North Academy Veterinary Hospital, Colorado Springs; Dr. Ted Mohr, Dr. Amy Mueller and Dr. Rick Coufal of Black Forest Veterinary Clinic, Colorado Springs; Dr. Michael Bauer of Colorado Canine Orthopedics, Colorado Springs; Dr. Jeremy Orr of Rocky Mountain Veterinary Cardiology, Denver; Dr. Stephen Lane of Rocky Mountain Veterinary Neurology, Denver; Dr. Cody Laas of Veterinary Imaging Specialists, Colorado Springs; as well as the staff at the Colorado State University Veterinary Teaching Hospital in Fort Collins
Jill Hafflffley and Emmett
suite. When rescued at age 5,
Haylie was completely blind
and in severe pain due
to glaucoma, requiring
immediate removal of
both eyes. Haylie was
adopted by her foster
mom and is now
living a happy,
National Mill Dog Rescue 2013 Annual Report
Throughout the year, we had as many as 150 dogs available for adoption at any given time. Our most effective tools for highlighting our available dogs are our website postings and social media platforms. Our volunteers post exceptional photos of our dogs along with detailed biographies. We also post our available dogs on, and Most often, people learn about our website through traditional media appearances, local and national news stories, and social media. In 2013, roughly 5,000 people from across the country submitted pre-adoption applications. Potential adopters are carefully screened to determine: (1) whether they understand the possible challenges and/or expenses in adopting a former mill dog, and (2) their level of understanding and commitment to ensure the dog’s safety. A comprehensive application, phone interview, meet-and-greet session and, in most cases, a home visit are all part of ensuring that our dogs are placed in the best possible homes. We also have a thorough out-of-state adoption process, which includes completing the standard application plus providing three personal references, a veterinary reference, and several photos of the home and securely fenced yard. Another successful venue for showcasing our dogs is our adoption fairs. Last year, we conducted an average of five per month at area businesses. Our hardworking adoption-fair team handled all aspects of these events from transport to set up and breakdown, care of the animals, and communication with the public.
Much appreciation is extended to the following
adoption-fair host businesses: In Colorado
Springs, Petco (Prominent Point and North
Nevada), Whole Foods, Furry Friends, and Sam’s
Club; to the north, Petco (Englewood and
Denver), Kriser’s in Westminster, and Wag N
Wash in Highlands Ranch.
Congrats to Nestle For Being Proactive and Doing the Right Thing !!!
Nestlé announces farm animal welfare commitment
To Press Releases listAug 21, 2014

SAFE SOURCING: The initiative aims to make sure farm animals in the supply chain are well cared for
Nestle has announced a major pledge to improve the welfare of the farm animals in its supply chain, following the signature of a partnership agreement with NGO World Animal Protection.
The agreement means that the hundreds of thousands of farms that supply Nestlé with their dairy, meat, poultry and eggs will have to comply with tighter animal welfare standards.
Nestlé, with its global purchasing footprint, also becomes the first major food company to form an international partnership with an animal welfare NGO.
World Animal Protection, which has been working with governments, communities and international agencies to improve animal welfare for more than 50 years, welcomed the agreement.
“Our decision to work with Nestlé is based upon their clear commitment to improving animal welfare and the lasting change this can have on millions of farm animals around the world,” said Mike Baker, the organisation’s Chief Executive.
‘Highest possible standards’
Nestlé has some 7,300 suppliers from whom it buys animal-derived products directly - everything from milk for its range of yoghurts and ice-creams, to meat for its chilled foods and eggs for its fresh pastry and pasta.
Each of these suppliers, in turn, buys from others, meaning that Nestlé’s Responsible Sourcing Guidelines apply to literally hundreds of thousands of farms around the world.
“We know that our consumers care about the welfare of farm animals and we, as a company, are committed to ensuring the highest possible levels of farm animal welfare across our global supply chain,” said Benjamin Ware, the company’s Manager of Responsible Sourcing.
World Animal Protection has been working with Nestlé on how to specifically tighten and improve the Nestlé Responsible Sourcing Guideline , which all suppliers must adhere to as part of the Nestlé Supplier Code. Both of these build upon the Nestlé Commitment on Farm Animal Welfare .
These now include, for example, spacing requirements for the rearing pens of certain species of animals, such as pigs and cows, to ensure they are not cramped and can engage in normal animal behaviour.
In addition, following the involvement of World Animal Protection, Nestlé’s guidelines also seek to minimise pain for farm animals by using veterinary practices that reduce pain, or avoiding the practices in the first place by different animal husbandry practices. An example would be the dehorning of cows. Cow horns are removed so that they do not injure other cows.
Farm assessments
Nestlé has commissioned an independent auditor, SGS, to carry out checks to ensure the new standards of animal welfare are met on its supplying farms. In 2014, several hundred farm assessments have already been carried out worldwide. Some of these checks are also attended, unannounced, by World Animal Protection representatives whose role is to verify the auditors.
When a violation is identified, Nestlé will work with the supplier to improve the treatment of farm animals to ensure they meet the required standards. If, despite engagement and guidance from Nestlé, the company is unable or unwilling to show improvement, it will no longer supply Nestlé.
The World Animal Protection agreement forms part of Nestlé’s broader Responsible Sourcing activities. These cover human rights, health and safety and environmental issues, and build upon multiple commitments, including, for example, a pledge that by the end of next year, 40% of the company’s key commodities - including meat, poultry, eggs and dairy will be fully traceable.
Related links:
World Animal Protection
Nestlé’s commitments on responsible sourcing
Nestlé and farm animal welfare
Responsible sourcing and the Nestlé Supplier Code
Partnerships and alliances
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About Nestlé USA
Named one of “The World’s Most Admired Food Companies” in Fortune magazine for seventeen consecutive years, Nestlé provides quality brands that bring flavor to life every day. From nutritious meals with Lean Cuisine® to baking traditions with Nestlé® Toll House®, Nestlé USA makes delicious, convenient, and nutritious food and beverages that make good living possible. That’s what “Nestlé. Good Food, Good Life” is all about. Nestlé USA, with 2013 sales of $10 billion, is part of Nestlé S.A. in Vevey, Switzerland — the world’s largest food company with a commitment to Nutrition, Health & Wellness — with 2013 sales of $99 billion. For product news and information, visit or
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