Sunday, November 8, 2009


When they found their 'stock' gone, how the millers did sob,
while a Voice from above boomed, 'GO GET A REAL JOB!'
As it seemed it could not get much better than this,
I started to wake, did I dream all of this???

There was no red sleigh, no reindeer with wings.
I guess it was sadly, just one of those things,
That you dream and you dream, till one day 'twill be.
That glorious day, when the mills are history!

And I think as we tell them, and tell them again,
Soon it will be that we all know that when,
One buys from a pet shop, there are pups you don't see.
The Mama and Daddy, who are longing to be,
loved by a family, and scratched on their heads.
Not sleeping on wire, that are now called their beds.

One day it will be, oh how great that will feel!
We won't mill our puppies like paper and steel!
And I heard it exclaimed as I woke up that night,
We won't stand for this, we'll stand up and fight!

With each breath we do have and each word we do say,
we'll tell about the mills, till that glorious day,
when the mills are all outlawed, and all over Missouri,
The occupation of milling, will be but a memory.

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