Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Stories From Black Dog Ranch

Kristie C. Jones who founded Black Dog Rescue Ranch and lives there with all her adored animals wrote an outstanding children's book called "Stories from Black Dog Ranch". She named the book after all the dogs she adopted were mainly black ones. They are always the hardest one to get adopted. Can you imagine just because of a color of their skin that people don't want them. I sure wish people were color blind so it wouldn't make a difference what color we are. Kristi is a big animal lover who not only has dogs but has all kinds of animals on the real ranch she lives on. By the way not all the dogs she has are black or large breeds. [Photo]Kristie is so passionate about rescuing dogs she not only adopted all her dogs but felt compelled to write her book to continue to encourage rescue efforts. Her goal for the book is to help children learn about rescue dogs and to encourage humans to be responsible and committed to these beautiful dogs they bring home. Hudson gives this book a five paws salute as he LOVED the book! He encourages you to all pick up a copy by going to Kristie’s website at I was lucky enough to see her interviewed on Channel Five news out of St. Louis about her book and ordered mine immediately.She will even sign it for you or the person you want to give it to. She has a great website and blog so you have to check her out at

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