Monday, August 10, 2009

Women Aren't The Only Ones...


Kasha said...

Oh that is hilarious! Thanks for the laugh and thanks for the concern for Africa's friends. I am wondering how you are going to go about talking to your neighbor about the care of their new dog. I want to say something to mine, but I am afraid and do not want to offend them. I did make them a cake and went over there to sneakily see what was up. They didn't say much.Good lucky with your neighbors!

Hudson said...

Without a doubt it will be sensitive territory to tread on but it can be done without hopefully stepping on too many toes. I think if you engage in a conversation then eventually bring up the dogs and say it might be nice to bring them inside when it gets over 90 degrees or to make sure they have plenty of shade and cold water all day and possibly aq fan to keep them cooler. If the neighbor gets offended then its one less Christmas card you have to send...I can always use the extra stamp!!!

Kasha said...

So true! I am going to take your advice. What is more important my pride or the poor dog? How is your little guy healing by the way?

Hudson said...

I know you will tackle this with caution and love and if by chance she reacts defensively then oh well as some people need to be educated about being a responsible dog/animal owner. Hudson is surviving without this nail that is over rated. He is milking the sympathy to the fullest and we are loving spoiling him to death as he works the pathetic look llike noone else.