Monday, June 9, 2014

Do You Supply Puppy Factories ???

Can pet shops be trusted to answer the simple question, "do you support puppy factories?" A new investigation exposes cruelty, deception, and secret ties between pet shops, web shops, and the puppy factory trade.
Life for a breeding dog in a puppy factory is one of cruelty and deprivation. No ball games at the park, no walks on the beach, no family to love, or to love them. Most of these dogs will be killed when their 'productive' life is over. Those lucky enough to be rescued often suffer severe mental distress for years.
Puppy factory operators know that dog lovers would be horrified by the suffering that goes hand in hand with treating animals like breeding machines. Pet shop owners know this too — which is why more and more pet shops deny supporting the puppy factory trade.
Yet, recent footage supplied to Animals Australia has sparked an investigation into one of Australia's most prolific puppy factories based in Kerang, Victoria — and its secret ties with popular pet stores and web stores. The revelations are damning.Continue reading »
Despite having a policy against 'unethical' breeders and information encouraging buyers to 'choose a responsible breeder'a lack of scrutiny on sellers has made the Trading Post a hub for puppy factory sales. As Australia's largest online classifieds, the Trading Post wields the power to either underpin or undermine the online puppy factory trade.
Animals Australia has written to the management of the Trading Post asking them to protect dogs, and to prevent puppy factories from advertising on the Trading Post website. You can speak out for puppies too. Please contact the management of the Trading Post and urge them to enact a policy to onlyallow ads from legitimate animal shelters.

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